Library Administration

Mr. W. Zvakafa, University Librarian
I would like to welcome you to the Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) Library and Information Services which is your gateway to your research information. ZOU library is both physical and digital, manned by blended library staff. ZOU network of libraries is found in all the ten regions of the country. Through its network of regional libraries and electronic resource centres ZOU library provides print and electronic collections that are responsive to teaching, learning and research needs of the University.
As the ZOU Library we wish to continue providing you with access to appropriate information resources that support quality research and teaching in line with education 5.0. Our Library is committed to facilitate access and management of library collections through efficient and effective utilization of Information Communication Technologies. Our qualified, experienced and committed staff are always available to assist you with your information needs.
Mr. W. Zvakafa is the University Librarian of the Zimbabwe Open University Library. He is a holder of Master of Science Degree in Library and Information Science from the National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Bachelor of Arts in English and Communication studies from ZOU, National Diploma in Library and Information Science from Harare Polytechnic, National Certificate in Library and Information Science from Harare Polytechnic. Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education from Chinhoyi University of Technology.
Mr. Zvakafa has vast experienced in the management of academic libraries. He is a member of the Zimbabwe Library Association (ZMLA) and the Zimbabwe Universities Libraries Consortium (ZULC).
Research Interests
Open science, Open Access, Scholarly Communication and Research Data management.