Approved members (Day Pass – USD1.00 & One Month Subscription USD10.00)
Spouses and children of ZOU staff members
Library Access
All registered ZOU students, ZOU staff members, including their spouses and children, and approved members have access to the library unless they are blacklisted due to owing library fines or having gone against library rules and regulations.
Library Fines For Overdue Materials
For ordinary items not returned on time, the offender shall be charged USD1.00 per day delayed for the first 5 days; thereafter, the charge will be USD2.00 per day.
For reserved items not returned on time, the offender shall be charged USD1.00 per hour delayed.
For lost library materials, the replacement value plus the added administration cost involved will be charged.
For ZOU members of staff who lose library materials, debit orders shall be made directly on the offender’s salary.